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Found 23564 results
M. Cokar, Kallos, M. S., e Gates, I. D., «The social aspects of designing an anaerobic microdigester with combined thermoelectric heat and power generation to convert human excreta to electr..», presented at the 2012-10-29, S.l., 2012, p 14 p.; 15 fig.
K. Wall, Ive, O., Bhagwan, J., e Kirwan, F., «Social franchising principles do work : the business approach to removal and disposal of faecal sludge : from pilot to scale : a paper presented at..», presented at the 2012-10-29, S.l., 2012, p 10 p.
N. B. Tapela, Social water scarcity and water use : report to the Water Research Commission , vol 1940/1/11. Gezina: Water Research Commission, WRC, 2012, p xvi, 159 p.; 21 fig.; 15 tab.
M. C. Freeman, Clasen, T., Brooker, S., Akoko, D., e Rheingans, R., «Soil- transmitted helminths : does improving school WASH impact students’ likelihood of helminth reinfection?». CARE Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya, p 1 p., 2012.
E. H. Hjalmarsdottir, «Solar powered pumping technologies in rural water supply : case study from Kunene region, Namibia», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp p. 197 - 214, 2012.
C. Meyer, «Sophia’s struggle». SWASH+ Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya, p 3 p.; ill.; 3 photographs, 2012.
«South Asia Sanitation and Hygiene practitioners' workshop papers». 2012.
L. van Vuuren, «Spring grove : a new dam rising in the KZN Midlands», The waterwheel, pp p. 14 - 19; ill., 2012.
P. Kotzé, «Squeezing water out of fog : rural water supply», The waterwheel, pp p. 30 - 32; 3 photographs, 2012.
C. McMullen, Status report on the application of integrated approaches to water resources management in Africa 2012. S.l.: African Ministers’ Council on Water, AMCOW, 2012, p viii, 88 p.; 53 fig.; 4 tab.; 20 boxes.
L. Ulrich, «Strategic environmental sanitation planning : comparing costs of on-site sanitation infrastructure in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa», SANDEC news, p p. 7; 1 photograph, 2012.
I. K. Tumwebaze, Horst, A., e Lüthi, C., «Strategic environmental sanitation planning : interdisciplinary research on urban sanitation in Kampala’s slum settlements : preliminary results», SANDEC news, pp p. 8 - 9; 1 map; 1 photograph, 2012.
M. Funder, Bustamante, R., Cossio, V., Huong, P. T. M., van Koppen, B., Mweemba, C., Nyambe, I., Phuong, L. T. T., e Skielboe, T., «Strategies of the poorest in local water conflict and cooperation : evidence from Vietnam, Bolivia and Zambia», Water alternatives : an interdisciplinary journal on water, politics and development, pp p. 20 - 36, 2012.
P. Kahangire, «Study to improve efficiency and effectiveness of learning and reflection processes in and between the different coordination platforms in the Uganda WASH Sector». IRC, Kampala, Uganda, p 38 p. : 2 fig., 2012.
S. Chessell, «Sustainability and community support», Sahapur Bazaar community latrine - Bangladesh. 2012.
Sustainability challenges of the Ghana water sector. 2012.
K. Gjefle, «The sustainable sanitation design concept for sludge treatment for cities in Africa : a paper presented at the second conference on developments in..», presented at the 2012-10-29, Oslo, Norway, 2012, p 7 p.; 1 fig.
C. Howe, Butterworth, J., Smout, I., Duffy, A. M., e Vairavamoorthy, K., Sustainable water management in the city of the future : findings from the SWITCH Project 2006-2011. Delft, The Netherlands: UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, 2012, p 182 p.; ill.; 9 tab.; 12 fig.; boxes; photographs.
R. Kausar e Nepal, U. N. - H., «Sustaining behavior change through participatory approaches in project cycle : paper written for the Asia regional sanitation and hygiene practition..», presented at the 2012-01-31, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2012, p 6 p.; 1 fig.; 1 tab.; 6 photographs.
K. Duffuor, «SWA High Level Meeting : theme economics of sanitation and water : Ghana statement of commitments». Sanitation and Water for All, New York, NY, USA, p 6 p., 2012.
«SWASH+ impacts and outcomes 2006-2012». SWASH+ Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya, p 26 slides, 2012.
K. E. C. A. R. E. - Nairobi, «SWASH+ top ten findings 2012». CARE Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya, p 2 p., 2012.
S. Chessell, «Sweets and advocacy», Sahapur Bazaar community latrine - Bangladesh. 2012.
A. Parker, Carter, R., Olschewski, A., e Casey, V., «Synthesis report on stakeholder baseline studies on technology selection process and the stakeholders’ attitudes». IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p 32 p.; 2 tab.; 1 fig.; 12 boxes, 2012.
H. - J. Mosler, «A systematic approach to behavior change interventions for the water and sanitation sector in developing countries : a conceptual model, a review, and a guideline.», International journal of environmental health research, pp p. 1 - 19; 2 tab.; 1 fig., 2012.


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