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Found 23564 results
L. van Vuuren, «Taking on the challenges of water resource assessment», The waterwheel, pp p. 12 - 15; 3 fig.; 2 photographs, 2012.
K. Danert, «Taking stock : rural water for all – the river may be wide but it can be crossed», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp p. 165 - 169; 1 box, 2012.
M. Visser, «Taking stock : sanitation for all!…free of cost in emergencies», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp p. 8 - 10, 2012.
«'Te Cwa': A radio programme that promoted sanitation in Akwang Sub County, Kitgum District», Documentation of good practices. 2012.
V. Venkataramanan, Naman, J., Crocker, J., Streyle, M., Kolsky, P., Bartram, J., Saywell, D., Nelligan, M., Elliott, M., Fisher, F. M., e Rowe, D. R., «Testing CLTS approaches for scalability : systematic literature review». University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Plan International USA, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, p 27 p. : 2 fig., 3 tab., 2012.
M. Michalscheck, «Thirsty city : wastage», Development and cooperation (D+C), pp p. 156 - 157, 2012.
CTA -Wageningen, NL, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU, «Tilapia farming : easy profits», Spore, p p. 20; 1 photograph, 2012.
G. Salano, «Toilet design clinics in Naivasha, Kenya», vol 4. Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor, WSUP, Nairobi, Kenya, p 9 p.; 5 fig.; 2 tab., 2012.
C. Triml, «Toilets : a taboo topic», Development and cooperation (D+C), pp p. 154 - 155, 2012.
E. Roma e Pugh, I., «Toilets for health : a report by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in collaboration with Domestos». London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK, p 28 p.; 12 fig.; 1 tab.; photographs; boxes, 2012.
P. Jagals, «Tools to measure impacts and operations of rural small-community water supplies in rural South Africa : report to the Water Research Commission », vol TT 534/12. Water Research Commission, WRC, Gezina, p viii, 29 p.; 10 tab., 2012.
D. M. J. Macdonald, «Towards a regional assessment of self supply potential in SNNPR, Ethiopia», vol 24. RiPPLE, Addis Ababa, 2012.
A. Douma, «Towards a workable approach to mainstream gender in natural resources management». Both ENDS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, p 52 p.; 5 tab.; 7 fig.; 5 photographs, 2012.
A. U. WaterAid A. Mitcham, «Towards inclusive WASH : sharing evidence and experience from the field». WaterAid Australia, Mitcham, Vic, Australia, p 44 p.; ill.; tab.; fig.; maps, 2012.
J. Harrison e Wilson, D., «Towards sustainable pit latrine management through LaDePa», Faecal sludge management, pp p. 25 - 32; 6 fig.; 1 tab., 2012.
J. Harrison e Wilson, D., «Towards sustainable pit latrine management through LaDePa : a paper presented at the second conference on developments in faecal sludge management i..», presented at the 2012-10-29, S.l., 2012, p 10 p.; 2 fig.
Towards sustainable water services in Ghana. 2012.
V. Duti, «Tracking functionality for sustainability», presented at the 2012-04-24, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2012, p 11 p.; 3 tab.
«Training manual for toilet construction : rural sanitation and hygiene programme». SNV Bhutan (Thimphu), Thimphu, Bhutan, p 48 p.; ill.; tab.; fig.; boxes, 2012.
P. McIntyre, «Triple-S annual review and planning meeting 2012 (ARaP) - Executive summary report of ARAP report», IRC, 2012.
IRC, «Triple-S principles framework». IRC, Accra, Ghana, p 3, 2012.
B. Jimenez, «Turning brown water into green produce : wastewater reuse in 22 Nicaraguan cities». Water and Sanitation Program, WSP, Managua, Nicaragua, p 26 p.; 3 fig.; 4 tab., 2012.
V. Sorokovskyi, «Ukraine : service cooperatives for management of piped water supply schemes in rural areas : powerpoint presentation for the First Thematic meeting o..». IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p 11 slides, 2012.
D. A. Still e Foxon, K. M., Understanding sludge accumulation in VIPs and strategies for emptying full pits, vol 1745/1/12 [WRC report] ; 1 [Tackling the challenges of full pits]. Gezina: Water Research Commission, WRC, 2012, p vii, 55 p.; ill.; tab.; fig.
K. Gallo, Mwaki, A., Caruso, B., Ochari, I. A., Freeman, M., Saboori, S., Dreibelbis, R., e Rheingans, R., «Understanding the recurring costs for maintaining a school WASH program : financial management of school WASH programs (summary of : An evaluation o..». SWASH+ Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya, p 2 p.; 1 tab., 2012.


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