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Found 23551 results
R. Kaggwa, «Repenser la prestation de services WASH : du secteur à la planification, la budgétisation et la mise en oeuvre par programme». Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, p 14, 2022.
N. Arsi W. A. S. H. team e IRC Ethiopia, «Resource mobilisation and implementation strategy of Negelle Arsi WASH master plan». IRC Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p 29 p. : 4 fig., 5 tab., 2022.
S. W. A. S. H. S. D. G. m team e IRC Ethiopia, «Resource mobilisation and implementation strategy of Shashamane WASH master plan». IRC Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p 22 p. : 5 tab., 2022.
R. Kaggwa, «Rethinking WASH service delivery: from sector, to programme based planning, budgeting, and implementation». p 14, 2022.
«Roadmap for access to improved water sanitation and hygiene services for all in Bunyangabu District (2020-2030)», 2022.
M. Aguessy, «Role played by monitoring institutions in programming for SDG 6». p 12, 2022.
B. Nyirenda e Gregoire, K., «Rural water systems strengthening in marginalized shock prone contexts : a southern Malawi case study». Government of Ghana, IRC and UNICEF, Accra, Ghana, p 18 slides, 2022.
«Safe and usable toilets systems, instutions, and regulatory frameworks for safe toilet management in public places». p 53, 2022.
M. C. Ayoreka e Watsisi, M., «Scalable models for realising safe WASH services in HCFs: challenges, successes and pathways to country wide application». Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, p 60 slides, 2022.
J. P. Walters, Valcourt, N., Javernick-Will, A., e Linden, K., «Sector perspectives on the attributes of system approaches to water, sanitation, and hygiene service delivery», vol 148, n 6, pp 1-13 : 3 fig. 3 tab., 2022.
B. Uwonkunda, «Service delivery at scale : adoption of system strengthening at national levels in Ghana and Rwanda». Water For People Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda, p 18 p., 2022.
A. C. Adjei, «Service delivery at scale - adoption of systems strengthening in promoting household toilets in low-income urban communities in Ghana». p 8, 2022.
«Session : Approches de la prestation de services à l'échelle d'une zone nationale et décentralisée». Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, p 58, 2022.
R. Bassono, «Session d'introduction au renforcement des systèmes dans les contextes fragiles». p 4, 2022.
W. Turimaso, «Soutenir les petites villes pour atteindre l'Objectif de Développement Durable 6 dans le District de Kabarole grâce à une approche de planification de l'assainissement urbain». Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, p 17, 2022.
Y. Lugali, «Strengthening sanitation systems in Uganda». IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p 06m 19s, 2022.
F. Odhiambo, «Strengthening water services in Tanzania». IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p 05m 01s, 2022.
H. Holtslag e Rahaman, Y. A., «Subsidized self-supply: a promising service delivery model for Africa - the example of Zambia». Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, p 14, 2022.
mWater, «Surveys for assessing service levels». mWater, USA, 2022.
N. Jacob, «Sustainable solid waste management systems in rural areas : synthesis document». India Sanitation Coalition, IRC, WaterAid India and SuSana India Chapter, New Delhi, India, p 12 p., 2022.
K. Caplan, Bori, S., Krukkert, I., Ward, R., Lammers, E., e Slotema, M., «The Sustainable Water Fund : analysis of the portfolio through a partnership lens». Netherlands Enterprise Agency, The Hague, the Netherlands, p 13 p. : 4 boxes, 1 fig., 2022.
S. Bori, Caplan, K., Ward, R., e Krukkert, I., «The Sustainable Water Fund’s Public-Private Partnership portfolio : reflections through a partnership lens : report for project implementors». Netherlands Enterprise Agency, The Hague, the Netherlands, p 41 p. : 2 boxes, 4 tab., photogr., 2022.
L. Vertstraete, «System building in fragile contexts across the WASH, humanitarian development, and peace triple nexus». Government of Ghana, IRC and UNICEF, Accra, Ghana, p 14 slides, 2022.
B. Musabe, «System strengthening for sustainable sanitation services : the city-wide inclusive sanitation pilot project in Kampala City, Uganda». Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, Ghana, p 14 slides, 2022.
K. Gregoire, Bassono, R., Verstraete, L., e Traoré, F. H., «Systems strengthening in fragile contexts: lessons learned through practice». p 38, 2022.


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