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Found 23564 results
M. Sitali, «Life and dignity at risk – the water, sanitation and hygiene sector in Liberia». Liberia WASH Consortium, Monrovia, Liberia, p i, 28 p. : 2 fig., 6 tab., 2010.
C. Fonseca, Franceys, R., Batchelor, C., McIntyre, P., Klutse, A., Komives, K., Moriarty, P. B., Naafs, A., Nyarko, K., Pezon, C., Potter, A., Reddy, R., e Snehalatha, M., «Life-cycle costs approach : glossary and cost components», vol no. 1. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p 12 p. : 2 tab., 2010.
World Bank -Washington, DC, US, «The little green data book 2010 ». World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p viii, 248 p. : fig., tab., 2010.
A. Albert, Smet, J., Grace, O., e Brenda, A., «THE LOBULE STORY How goats and lists made people build latrines». 2010.
F. Properzi, «Looking through the GLAAS : Netherlands stakeholder meeting, DGIS, The Hague, 8 June 2010». World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p 33 slides, 2010.
F. Properzi e Swann, P., «Looking through the GLAAS : [presentation to the] ministerial dialogue on sanitation and water, Washington DC, 22 April 2010». World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p 24 slides, 2010.
T. Heath, «Madagascar climate change briefing». Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor, WSUP, London, UK, p 4 p. : 2 fig., 2 tab., 2010.
O. Stoupy, «Mainstreaming program based approach in Burkina Faso : paper presented at the IRC symposium ‘ Pumps, Pipes and Promises: Costs, Finances and Accountability for Sustainable WASH Services' in The Hague, The Netherlands from 16 - 18 November 2010», presented at the 2010-11-16, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2010, p 11 p.; 7 refs.; 4 fig.
K. - R. Bank, «Maji ni maisha : financing investment in water». K-Rep Bank, Nairobi, Kenya, p 21 p.; 4 fig.; 3 boxes; photographs, 2010.
E. Ministry o ER e Asmara, E. R. U. N. I. C. E. F. -, «A manual for WASH activities in elementary school clubs ». Eritrea, Ministry of Education, Asmara, Eritrea, p 57 p. : ill., 2010.
Institute for Sustainable Futures - University of Technology Sydney, AU, ISF - UTS, «Maps of the progress towards the millennium development goals (MDG) of the access to sanitation target in the Pacific, South East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East and Southern Africa», vol 04 MDG Sanitation South East Asia. Institute for Sustainable Futures - University of Technology Sydney, AU, ISF - UTS, Sydney, NSW, Australia, p 1 p.; map, 2010.
Institute for Sustainable Futures - University of Technology Sydney, AU, ISF - UTS, «Maps of the relation between the urban population and access to improved water in the Pacific, South East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East and Southern Africa», vol 07 Urban population water Middle East and South Asia. Institute for Sustainable Futures - University of Technology Sydney, AU, ISF - UTS, Sydney, NSW, Australia, p 1 p.; map, 2010.
R. Yuwono, Marifa, I., Wardhani, L., e Ninghadiyati, U., «Marching together with a citywide sanitation strategy». Technical Team for Sanitation Development, S.l., p 52 p.; ill.; infographics; photographs; drawings, 2010.
«May 20th, 2010», The Economist. 2010.
P. Brussee, Marín, X., e Smits, S., «Memoria del seminario de intercambio de experiencias Gobernanza de servicios de saneamiento sostenibles Centroamérica 1-3 de Febrero 2010 Hotel Mirador Plaza, San Salvador, El Salvador». IRC, WSSCC, RAS-ES, RRAS-CA, The Hague, The Netherlands, p 32, 2010.
T. Mahon e Fernandes, M., «Menstrual hygiene in South Asia : a neglected issue for WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) programmes». WaterAid, London, UK, p 16 p. : boxes, photogr., 1 tab., 2010.
G. B. WaterAid - London, «Menstrual hygiene management». WaterAid, London, UK, p 4 p., 2010.
Integrated Regional Support Program -Sheikh Maltoon Town, PK, IRSP, «Menstrual hygiene promotion [needs in Mardan] : piloting in Pakistan "menstrual hygiene promotion"». Integrated Regional Support Program, Sheikh Maltoon Town, Pakistan, p 28 p. : fig., tab., 2010.
S. Nijhof e Shrestha, B. R., «Micro-credit and rainwater harvesting : paper presented at the IRC symposium ‘ Pumps, Pipes and Promises: Costs, Finances and Accountability for Sustainable WASH Services' in The Hague, The Netherlands from 16 - 18 November 2010», presented at the 2010-11-16, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2010, p 10 p.; 10 ref.; 1 box; 3 photographs.
J. Waage, Banerji, R., Campbell, O., Chirwa, E., Collender, G., Dieltiens, V., Dorward, A., Godfrey-Faussett, P., Hanvoravongchai, P., Kingdon, G., Little, A., Mills, A., Mulholland, K., Mwinga, A., North, A., Patcharanarumol, W., Poulton, C., Tangcharoensathien, V., e Unterhalter, E., «The millennium development goals : a cross-sectoral analysis and principles for goal setting after 2015». S.n., S.l., p 33 p.; 6 panels; 2 fig.; 2 tab.; photographs, 2010.
D. Go e Swanson, E., The millennium development goals and the road to 2015 : building on progress and responding to crisis. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 2010, p 46 p. : fig., 9 maps.
United Nations -New York, NY, US, The Millennium Development Goals report 2010. New York, NY, USA: United Nations, 2010, p 77 p. : boxes, fig., tab.
N. L. National A. Hague, Minder pretentie, meer ambitie : ontwikkelingshulp die verschil maakt, vol no. 84. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press, 2010, p 352 p. : fig., tab.
A. Naranjo, Castellano, D., Kraaijvanger, H., Meulman, B., Mels, A., e Zeeman, G., «The MobiSan approach : informal settlements of Cape Town, South Africa», Water science and technology, pp p. 3078–3090 : 13 fig., 2 tab., 2010.
J. Rojas, Zamora, A., S. Tamayo, P., García, M., e Smits, S., «Models for support to sustainability to community-based management in Colombia», in Proceedings of the international symposium on rural water services : providing sustainable water services at scale, 13-15 April 2010, Kampala, Uganda, , 2010, pp P. 64-65.


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