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Found 23563 results
B. Hailegiorgis, kebede, A., Lemecha, G., e Mekonta, L., «Gender equality and social inclusion overview for the WASH sector in Ethiopia». IRC Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p 31 p. , 2021.
V. Grift, Kabarungi, N., Watsisi, M., e J. Mulumba, N., «Getting water to Kabende subcounty, Uganda», IRC Uganda, Kampala, Uganda, 2021.
A. Naafs e Smits, S., «A guide to addressing Integrated Water Resource Management in implementation of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs WASH strategy 2016-2030». Ministry of Foreign Affairs, IRC and Watershed Consortium, The Hague, the Netherlands, p 26 p. : 1 box, 4 fig., 2021.
D. Dey e Walter, E., «Guideline for WASH SDG project staff to support LGIs in rolling out the Pro-Poor Strategy for Water and Sanitation Sector 2020 in Bangladesh». IRC WASH and WASH SDG Programme, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p 24 p. : 2 fig. : 8 annexes, 2021.
M. Adank, Osterwalder, L., Verstraete, L., e Gossa, T., «Improving WASH service delivery in small towns : systems approach implemented in Ethiopia», vol DP/08/2021. UNICEF and IRC, New York, NY, USA, p 6 p. : 4 boxes, 2 fig., 2021.
T. C. Advisory, «The inaugural Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) review : final report». Triple C Advisory, Johannesburg, South Africa, p 85 p. : 18 fig; 12 tab. ; 9 annexes, 2021.
IRC, «IRC annual report 2020». IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p 19 p. : boxes, fig., photogr., 2021.
IRC, «IRC Monitoring Report 2020», IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, 2021.
N. Technical Ghana e -GES, S. H. E. P., «It's time to invest in menstrual hygiene management. Now!». Accra, p 8, 2021.
G. Lemecha, McSpadden, B., e Yeshiwas, T., «Learning and reflection from the Negelle Arsi and Shashamane woreda WASH Sustainable Development Goal master planning process». IRC WASH Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p i, 12 p. : 3 fig., 2021.
L. Brunson e Mulatu, T., «Learning from longterm strategic planning in a district». Millennium Water Alliance and IRC, Washington, DC, USA, p 18 p. : 2 boxes, 1 fig., 2021.
R. Bassono, «Les défis du renforcement des services d'assainissement». IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p 05m 20s, 2021.
A. Hueso e Suneja, V., «Lessons from water, sanitation and hygiene budget advocacy experiences in South Asia». WaterAid South Asia, New Delhi, India, p 24 pgs; 2 tbl; 1 fig., 2021.
A. Naafs e Kebede, A., «Life-cycle cost analysis for Splash school interventions in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Update 2021». IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, 2021.
S. Tremolet, «Making blended finance work for WASH services». IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p 05m 53s, 2021.
IRC Ethiopia, «Meeting proceedings Climate Resilient WASH - Learning Platform second workshop». IRC Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p 13 p. + 3 presentations (17 p., 20 p. & 22 p.), 2021.
I. R. C. W. A. S. H. Ethiopia, Mille woreda WASH Sustainable Development Goal master plan. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: IRC WASH Ethiopia, 2021, p 45 p.
A. Huston, «A mixed methodology for the assessment and planning of public systems for drinking water and sanitation services : learning from local systems to plan for change at a larger scale», Department of Civil Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 2021.
B. Kingdom, «Mobilising finance for WASH». IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p 03m 06s, 2021.
C. Fonseca e van de Lande, L., «Monitoring and accountability frameworks for SDG 6 : the role of civil society organisations», Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, 2021, pp pp. 141-150.
L. Osterwalder, Adank, M., Verstraete, L., e Gossa, T., «Monitoring of WASH in small towns : a catalyst for enhancing capacity of water utilities in Ethiopia», vol DP/07/2021. UNICEF and IRC, New York, NY, USA, p 9 p. : 3 boxes, 2 fig., 3 tab., 2021.
R. Developmen Government, «National menstrual hygiene management strategy 2021». Policy Support Branch, Local Government Division, Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p iv, 33 p. : 2 tab., 2021.
I. R. C. W. A. S. H. Ethiopia, Negelle Arsi Woreda WASH Sustainable Development Goal master plan. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Oromia Water Resources Bureau and IRC WASH Ethiopia, 2021, p 55 p. : 11 fig., 49 tab.
«The new NDPIII programmatic approach and its implications for WASH CSOs in Uganda», vol Volume 1. Uganda Water and Sanitation Network (UWASNET), Kampala, Uganda, p 8, 2021.
K. Pugel, Javernick-Will, A., Peabody, S., Nyaga, C., Mussa, M., Mekonta, L., Dimtse, D., Watsisi, M., Buhungiro, E., Mulatu, T., Annis, J., Jordan, E., Sandifer, E., Linden, K., e IRC, «Pathways for collaboratively strengthening water and sanitation systems», vol 802, pp 1-15 : 3 fig., 4 tab., 2021.


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