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Found 23564 results
V. D. Nguyen, Sreenivasan, N., Lam, E., Ayers, T., Kargbo, D., Dafae, F., e Jambai, A., «Cholera Epidemic Associated with Consumption of Unsafe Drinking Water and Street-Vended Water—Eastern Freetown, Sierra Leone, 2012», vol vol. 90 , n no. 3, pp p. 518-523, 2014.
G. L. Kayser, Moomaw, W., P.J.M., O., e Griffiths, G. K., «Circuit Rider post-construction support: improvements in domestic water quality and system sustainability in El Salvador», 2014.
S. Smits, «Classifying progress in rural water supply experiments». IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p 5 p. : 1 fig., 2014.
S. Smits e Schweitzer, R., «Cobertura total, para siempre: herramientas de costeo de servicios de agua a nivel municipal». IRC, p 46, 2014.
M. Snel, «Collapsing latrines: how this was dealt with in the Pan-Africa Programme». IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, 2014.
J. A. Maulit, «Comment déclencher le lavage des mains avec du savon», IDS, Brighton, United Kingdom , 2, 2014.
«Community management of rural water supply : Community Water Plus concepts and research methodology : summary paper», 2014.
S. J. Marks, Komives, K., e Davis, J., «Community participation and water supply sustainability : evidence from handpump projects in rural Ghana», p 11 p. : 1 fig., 8 tab., 2014.
J. Connaughton, King, N., Dong, L., Ji, P., e Lund, J., «Comparing Simple Flood Reservoir Operation Rules», vol 6, n 9, p 15 p.; 13 Fig,; 2 Tab,;, 2014.
J. Crocker e Bartram, J., «Comparison and cost analysis of drinking water quality monitoring requirements versus practice in seven developing countries», vol 11, n 7, p 14 p.; 6 Tab.; 4 Fig.; , 2014.
E. Tilley, Ulrich, L., Lüthi, C., Reymond, P., e Zurbrugg, C., «Compendium des systèmes et technologies d'Assainissement (2eme édition)», Eawag – Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Dübendorf, Switzerland, 2014.
E. Tilley, Ulrich, L., Lüthi, C., Reymond, P., e Zurbrugg, C., «Compendium of sanitation systems and technologies 2nd edition», Eawag – Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Dübendorf, Switzerland, 2014.
E. Shope, «Connecting water, sanitation and hygiene with fresh water conservation and climate resilience : the need to facilitate integration in development assistance». Natural Resources Defense Council, New York, NY, USA, p 12 p. : photogr., map, 2014.
C. Pezon, «Costing water services in a refugee context : methodological report», IRC and UNHCR, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2014.
S. Smits, Gil, A., e Rojas, J., «Costos de inversiones en agua y saneamiento rural bajo diferentes modelos de intervención en Honduras». IRC, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, p 22, 2014.
C. Fonseca, Snehalatha, M., Rahman, M., e Uddin, R., «Costs, equity and affordability of sanitation in Bangladesh for low income rural households : applying the life-cycle costs approach to the Bagherpara Upazila». IRC and BRAC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p 38 p. : 16 fig., 12 tab., 2014.
C. Fonseca, «The death of the communal handpump? : rural water and sanitation household costs in lower-income countries», Cranfield University, School of Applied Sciences, Water Sciences, Cranfield, UK, 2014.
G. Szántó, van Halem, D., Rietveld, L. C., Olivero, S., Adams, A., Roy, D. C., Barendse, J., Baby, K., Hoque, M. M., e Dogger, J. M., «Decision-support for arsenic- and salt-mitigation in Bangladesh : the ASTRA approach», presented at the 09/2014, Loughborough, UK, 2014, p 7 p. : 2 fig., 1 tab.
N. Sehee, Min-jeong, K., MinSun, P., Nuri, K., Yu-jin, L., e Gyu-Cheol, L., «Detection of coliforms in drinking water using skin patches : a rapid, reliable method that does not require an external energy source», vol vol. 90 , n no. 2, pp p. 283-287, 2014.
S. Charpentier, Desille, D., Dussaux, V., Milin, S., e Tourlonnias, B., «Développer les services d'eau potable, 18 questions pour agir», Programme Solidarité Eau, Paris, France, 2014.
J. Wilbur e Jones, H., «Disability : making CLTS fully inclusive», 2014.
C. Water and CWSA), «District operational manual», 2014.
M. Kariuki, Patricot, G., Rop, R., Mutono, S., Makino, M., Gisagara, A., Otema, J. B., Twesigye, P., e Mwoga, J., «Do pro-poor policies increase water coverage? An analysis of service delivery in Kampala’s informal settlements», The World Bank, Washington, USA, 2014.
«Du monitoring local au monitoring national des petits réseaux». 2014.
IRC, «Dutch development policy on water, sanitation and hygiene : information package». IRC and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague,The Netherlands, p 7 information sheets, 2014.


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