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Found 23564 results
R. W. Schweitzer, Grayson, C., e Lockwood, H., «WASHCost tool». 2014.
«Water and development strategy : implementation field guide», USAID, s.l., PD-ACY-288, 2014.
A. van Soest, Bostoen, K., e Uytewaal, E., «Water and sanitation as a human right», Dutch development policy on water, sanitation and hygiene : information package. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p 4 p.: 1 fig., 2 photogr., 2014.
A. K. Marinoski, Vieira, A. S., Silva, S. A., e Ghisi, E., «Water end-uses in low-income houses in Southern Brazil», vol 6, n 7, p 16 p.; 6 Tab.; 5 Fig.;, 2014.
R. Schweitzer, Grayson, C., e Lockwood, H., «Water for Life Sustainability Rating». 2014.
R. van Lieshout e Carrasco, M., «Water Master Plans for 4 pilot areas in Turkana, Wajir, Moyale and Marsabit counties», IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, 2014.
V. Duti, Gyasi, K., Kabuga, C., e Korboe, D., «Water sector harmonisation and alignment study : assessment of sector partnerships in Ghana : study report», IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2014.
J. Atengdem e IRC, «Water service monitoring in Ghana webinar presentation». 2014.
C. T. Laari, «Water services in Akatsi District». CWSA, IRC, Accra, Ghana, p 4p, 2014.
G. Kotoku, «Water services in East Gonja District». CWSA, IRC, Accra, Ghana, p 4p, 2014.
B. D. Agbemor, «Water services in Sunyani West District». CWSA, IRC, Accra, Ghana, p 4p, 2014.
J. Butterworth, Adank, M., e Boelee, E., «Water supply from sand rivers for multiple uses», vol 1. IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p 8 p. : 5 fig., 2014.
K. Danert, «Webinaires sur le sujet de Forage Manuel», RWSN, s.l., 2014.
Aguaconsult, IRC, -S, T., RWSN, GWC, e Advocates, W. A. S. H., «Webinar sustainability assessment tools». p 40, 2014.
IRC, «West Africa learning and exchange workshop “Towards sustainable total sanitation” : workshop report : Azalai Hotel de la Plage, Cotonou, Benin, 12-14 November 2013». IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p 68 p., 2014.
K. O'Connell, «What influences open defecation and latrine ownership in rural households?: findings from a global review», Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), Washington, DC, USA, 90044, 2014.
World Bank, «What works at scale? : distilling the critical success factors for scaling up rural sanitation : proceedings of the Knowledge Sharing Forum, February 2014, Jaipur, India», Report no.: ACS8929, 2014.
«2013, no.1 », Eine Welt = Un seul monde = Un solo mondo. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Bern, Switzerland, 2013.
«2013-04-06», The Ethiopian Herald . Ethiopian Press Agency, EPA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2013.
«2013-04-10», The Ethiopian Herald . Ethiopian Press Agency, EPA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2013.
J. Nansi, Pezon, C., Boulenouar, J., Dubé, A., e Bassono, R., «Acces aux ouvrages vs acces au service d'eau potable», IRC Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 2013.
Wand Sanita Network, «Access to WASH [radio programm]». Water and Sanitation Media Network, Lagos, Nigeria, 2013.
N. C. Dey, Rabbi, S. E., Karim, F., Akter, T., e Ghosh, S. C., «Achievements of BRAC Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Programme towards Millennium Development Goals and beyond», n no. 60. BRAC, Research and Evaluation Division, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p viii, 121 p. : fig., tab., 2013.
R. Cowling e Norman, G., «Achieving sustainability: changing the ways in which we define success». Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP), IRC and Water For People, London, UK, p 2 p., 2013.
R. Calow, Ludi, E., e Tucker, J., Achieving Water Security: Lessons from research in water supply, sanitation and hygiene in Ethiopia. Rugby: Praction Action Publishing Ltd, 2013.


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