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Found 23564 results
«Comision nacional del agua : unidad de programas rurales y participacion social : manual de estrategias de participacion social». .
Commissioned studies. .
Communication / Department of Water Management. .
Communication / Institute for African Studies. .
Communications decoulant des reunions pour l'elaboration de la strategie d'information du CRDI pour l'Afrique. .
Communications on hydraulic and geotechnical engineering. .
Communications report / Department of Water Management, Environmental and Sanitary Engineering TU Delft. .
Communications Technical Report. .
E. Ministry o ER e Asmara, E. R. U. N. I. C. E. F. -, «Community based hygiene and sanitation promotion guideline based on PHAST methodology : facilitators guideline». UNICEF, Asmara, Eritrea, p 50 p.
«Community based management (CBM): the national action committee (NAC) perspective». .
«Community based management in Bulilimamangwe , Tsholotsho and Umguza districts matabeleland south and north provinces». .
«Community based management of water services selected experiences from Zimbabwe». .
Community capacity building series / ACPD. Harare, Zimbabwe: Africa Community Publishing and Development Trust.
«Community development journal». Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
«Community development workers' training series». .
«Community forestry field manual». .
G. B. Institute Wallingford, «Community gardens using limited groundwater resources : development of crystalline basement aquifers in semi-arid areas». Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, UK, p 10 p. : boxes, fig., photogr.
M. Government Unit, «Community handbook on water and sanitation : AFRIDEV version». Malawi, Government, Community Based Management Unit, Lilongwe, Malawi, p 73 p. : ill.
S. V. Chary, Jasthi, S., Uddaraju, S., e Shiva, R., «Community involvement in a multi-village scheme in Amravati district, Maharashtra ». IRC.
I. D. S. U. T. R. A. Foun Kupang, «Community led total sanitation with zero subsidy home latrine in Lebatukan sub district, Lembata district Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia». SUTRA Foundation, Kota Kupang, Indonesia, p 7 p. : fig., map, photogr.
J. Abbott, Agarwal, S., Aditya, S., e Mehrotra, N., «Community managed development of water and sanitation in earthquake affected villages of Gujarat : programme proposal for water and sanitation management organisation, government of Gujarat and Royal Netherlands embassy, government of the Netherlands». Water and Sanitation Management Organization, WASMO, Gandhinagar, India, p 87 p. : 6 fig., 12 tab.
I. N. Government Pradesh e UN-HABITAT -Nairobi, KE, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, «Community managed system for operation, billing and collection of water charges», vol no. 1. UN-Habitat, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, Nairobi, Kenya.
B. Harris, U. Brighu, D., e Poonia, R., «Community managed water supplies in rural Jaipur: Swajaldhara scheme 15 years on in Rajasthan ». IRC.
«Community management and monitoring unit report on handwashing and excreta disposal practices in luapula province». .
«Community managers for tomorrow : partnership for water management in rural communities». IRC, Delft, The Netherlands.


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