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Found 23563 results
G. H. Kumasi Hea Kumasi, «Guidelines for the use of participatory health education materials by public health workers». Kumasi Health Education Project, Kumasi, Ghana, p 7 p. : ill.
Guidelines for water resources development co-operation / EC. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
«Guides de la communication et de la formation au service de la revolution dans le domaine de la survie et du developpement des enfants (RSDE». .
Guiding questions working paper / DANIDA. .
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -Atlanta, GA, US e WHO Collaborating Center for Research, Training, and Control of Dracunculiasis -Atlanta, GA, US, «Guinea worm wrap-up». Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA.
G. Ghosh, «Gujarat : water environment ; Rajasthan scenario : drought and water». UNICEF, Gandhinagar, India, p 35 slides.
Global Water Partnership - Stockholm, SE, GWP, «GWP Strategy 2004-2008 : reference note : draft 4.0 - 30 july 2003». Global Water Partnership (GWP), Stockholm, Sweden, p 25 p. : 11 boxes, 2 figures.
GWS series for cooperative action for the IDWSSD. .
N. L. K. I. W. A. - Rijswijk, Vereniging van Waterleidingbelangen in Nederland -Rijswijk, NL, VWN, Nederlands Vereniging voor Waterbeheer -Rijswijk, NL, NVA, e Rijswijk, N. L. V. E. W. I. N. -, «H2O». Nijgh Periodieken, Schiedam, The Netherlands.
F. R. L. 'Associat Paris, «». L'Association h2o, Paris, France.
UN-HABITAT -Nairobi, KE, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, «Habitat debate». UN-Habitat, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, Nairobi, Kenya.
«Habitat international : a journal for the study of human settlements». Elsevier Science.
«Habitat, saneamiento y salud». .
«Haciendo basura limpia : manual para uso del promotor comunitario». .
Hagalo usted mismo. .
Socio-Economic Units, Kerala -Trivandrum, IN, «Half year report 1 October 1995 -31 March 1996 : Socio-Economic Units». Kerala Water Authority, Socio-Economic Units, Trivandrum, India, p 34 p. + annexes (9 p.).
Thailand, Ministry of Interior, Equipment Control Division -TH, «Hand pump improvement for Thailand rural area. Vol. II. Hand pump details drawing Department of Mineral Resources and Department of Public Works Types». Thailand, Ministry of Interior, Equipment Control Division, Bangkok, Thailand, p 67 p. : techn.drwng.
Thailand, Ministry of Interior, Equipment Control Division -TH, «Hand pump improvement for Thailand rural area. Vol. III. Hand pump details drawing Accelerated Rural Development Office and Equipment Control Division Types». Thailand, Ministry of Interior, Equipment Control Division, Bangkok, Thailand, p 81 p. : techn.drwng.
I. Ahmed e Begum, R., «Hand washing practice in ASEH Project Area: a study for impact monitoring : paper presented at the South Asia Hygiene Practitioners Workshop, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1 to 4 February 2010 », in South Asia Sanitation and Hygiene practitioners' workshop papers, p 11 p.; 14 fig.; 3 tab.
I. N. WaterAid - Tiruchirapalli, «Handbook for field workers in water, health and sanitation». WaterAid, Tiruchirapalli, India, p 134 p. : ill.
I. Ministry o IN, «Handbook of service level benchmarking». India, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, India, p 92 p.; ill.; 1 tab.; 1 fig.; photographs; 1 Illustrative Performance Report Card.
«Handbook of trickling filter design». Public Work Publications, Ridgewood, NJ, USA, p 26.p. : fig., tab.
«Handbook / South Pacific Commission». .
Handbooks in communication and training for CSDR. .
Handbooks of UK wastewater practice. London, UK: Institution of Water and Environmental Management.


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