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Found 23565 results
«Journal of water resources planning and management». .
«Journal WPCF». .
UNICEF, «Juanita y la gotita 1: practicamos el aseo personal por una vida sana y saludable». UNICEF, S.l., p 19 p.;drawings.
UNICEF, «Juanita y la gotita 2 : bebiendo agua limpia cuidemos nuestra salud». UNICEF, S.l., p 15 p.;drawings.
UNICEF, «Juanita y la gotita 3 : cuidemos y mantengamos la calidad de nuestra agua». UNICEF, S.l., p 15 p.;drawings.
UNICEF, «Juanita y la gotita 5 : aprendamos a instalar, usar y manejar nuestra letrina». UNICEF, S.l., p 15 p.;drawings.
UNICEF, «Juanita y la gotita 6 : mejoremos la casa y el ambiente en que vivimos». UNICEF, S.l., p 19 p.;drawings.
UNICEF, «Juanita y la gotita 7 : proteccion del medio ambiente». UNICEF, S.l., p 19 p.;drawings.
UNICEF, «Juanita y la gotita : manual de saneamiento basico para maestros y maestras de educacion primaria». UNICEF, S.l., p 82 p.;drawings.
«July 19th : priceless : a survey of water», The Economist. Economist Intelligence Unit, EIU, London, UK, p 16 p. :1 box., 6 fig., 1 map, photogr., 1 tab.
«June», Comparative education review. .
«June 2012 (date of acceptation)», Sustainability science . .
«Junior sience series for children». .
S. - L. Rautanen, «"Kamanu Wizai - Kaniniu Wun": Knowledge, attitudes, practices and beliefs (KAPB survey) on water and environmental sanitation in 11 Amazon programme communities». UNICEF, New York, NY, USA, p 122 p. : 38 fig., photogr., 12 tab.
Kamerstukken Tweede Kamer, vergaderjaar 1993-1994. .
«katchi abadis of karachi a survey of 334 katchi abadis». .
G. B. Amnesty In London, «Kenya : the unseen majority : Nairobi's two-million slum-dwellers». Amnesty International Publications, London, UK, p 44 p.
I. O. Oenga, «Kilifi water supply project: review of project proposal». African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF), Nairobi, Kenya, p ii, ca. 46 p. : tabs.
SWASH + Kenya -Nairobi, KE, Sustaining and Scaling School Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Plus Community Impact - Kenya, «Kisumu and Nyando districts : access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene for schools and children». S.n., S.l., p 1 p.
Royal Tropical Institute -Amsterdam, NL, KIT, «KIT-Insight». Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
N. L. K. I. W. A. - Rijswijk, «KIWA Magazine». KIWA, Rijswijk, The Netherlands.
KIWA-communications. .
J. Luijendijk, Mejia-Velez, D. F., e Price, R. K., «Knowledge networks for capacity building : a tool for achieving the MDGs? ». UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands, p 17p. : 6 boxes, 5 fig.
«Knowledge organization in subject areas». .
P. H. Asian Deve Manila, «Knowledge series / GOI-ADB PPP Initiative. Water». .


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