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Found 23563 results
Linkoping studies in arts and science. .
«Linkoping studies in arts and science. Tema V». .
L. K. W. A. S. S. D. O. C. - Colombo e Colombo, L. K. N. G. O. Water, «Links : newsletter of the NGO Water and Sanitation Decade Service». NGO Water Supply and Sanitation Decade Service, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Liverpool planning manual. .
Living health. London, UK: Macmillan.
«Livre bleu Bupkinafaso». .
«Livre bleu Mali». .
« Livre bleu Niger». .
«Livret / Comite Directeur Inerinstitutions de Cooperation pour la Decennie». .
«Livret / Comite Directeur Interinstitutions de Cooperation pour la Decennie». .
A. Albert, «The Lobule story : how goats and lists made people build latrines». p 4 p.; ill.
«Local action : creating health promoting schools». .
Local Government Information series. Pretoria, South Africa: South Africa, Department of Constitutional Development.
N. L. Nyagwambo, «Local governments and IWRM in the SADC Region». p 53 p.; 3 tab.; 2 fig.; 1 box.
J. Walter, Alebon, K., e Klinsky, S., «Local governments' response to agenda 21: summary report of local agenda 21 survey with regional focus». International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, Toronto, Ont, Canada, p 20 p. : fig., photogr.
A. Sirry, Local practices in urban management in secondary cities in Egypt : the case of Belbeis. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, p xvii, 101 p. : 42 fig., 20 tab.
B. Faso. Asse BF, «Loi No. 002-2001/AN : portant loi d'orientation relative a la gestion de l'eau». Burkina Faso, Ministere de l'Environnement et de l'Eau (MEE), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, p 26 p.
Longman education texts. .
Philippine Center for Water and Sanitation - International Training Network Foundation -Manila, PH, PCWS-ITNF, «Looking back : accomplishments of the ITN-Philippines phase 1 and phase 2». Philippine Center for Water and Sanitation - The International Training Network (ITN) Foundation, Manila, Philippines, p 23 p. : photogr.
Los documentos de politica sectorial y tematica / DGIS. .
A. Jouravlev, Los municipios y la gestión de los recursos hídricos. p 76 p. : tab.
«Low cost water supply series». .
N. L. B. &R. Consul Papendrecht, «Low-cost pumping systems». B&R Consulting Engineers, Papendrecht, The Netherlands.
«L'utilisation de la MARP dans le cadre de la gestion des terroirs : rapport de l'atelier de formation sur la methode active de recherche et de planification participatives (MARP), Koudougou du 30/11 au 09/12/1993 en collaboration avec le projets bois coll». .
L'utilisation des resources en eau et des terres des regions de Savane : resources des region de Savane. .


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