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«A partnership for prosperity : USAID strategy Indonesia 2009-2014». U.S. Agency for International Development, Jakarta, Indonesia, p 58 p.; ill.; photographs; boxes.
«PEC project memorandum». UNICEF, New Delhi, India.
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«PEEM Newsletter». World Health Organization PEEM Secretariat, Geneva, Switzerland.
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Water supply and sanitation in development. p video (29 min.) : VHS.
«People and solutions»,
Water supply and sanitation in development. p video (26 min.) : VHS.
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«Perception de genre : de quoi s'agit-il?», vol no. 1. Gender and Water Alliance, Dieren, The Netherlands, p 32 p. : ill.
Perspectives on African book development. London, UK: Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA).