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Found 23565 results
Reeks publikaties van de vakgroep Huishoudstudies. .
T. V. Tiglao, «A reevaluation of health practices in a Philippine rural community : a report of a type A project». Columbia University, New York, NY, USA, p 252 p.
Reference series / IRC. Delft, The Netherlands: IRC.
«Reflexion en vue de la definition d'une strategie nationale pour le developpement et la gestion des systemes d'alimentation en au potable dans les centres ruraux et semi-urbains : rapport de synthese de l'atelier de reflexion, Bamako, 25, 26, 27, 28 juin». .
«Regional development dialogue». United Nations Centre for Regional Development, Nagoya, Japan.
UNDP Water Governance Facility at SIWI -Stockholm, SE, WGF, «Regional Water Intelligence Report / WGF at SIWI». .
«Registros contables : manual para uso del promotor comunitario». .
R. Franceys e Gerlach, E., «Regulating public and private partnerships for the poor». Centre for Water Science, Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK, p 178 p. : boxes, fig., tab.
S. Kayaga, «Rehabilitating small-scale piped water distribution systems : WHO technical note for emergencies No. 4», vol 4. p 4 p.; ill.; 2 box.; 1 tab.; 4 fig.
T. Riekel e Hinze, G., «Rehabilitation of wells using the "electrochemically activated" (EAW) technology». Botswana, Department of Water Affairs, Gaborone, Botswana, p 6 p.: fig., maps.
RELMA technical handbook series. .
RELMA Workshop Series. Nairobi, Kenya: Regional Land Management Unit (RELMA).
Remote sensing for monitoring environment and locations of groundwater potential zones in parts of Jharia coalfield, Bihar. pp p. 45-52: fig.
«Remote sensing [Remote sens.]». .
«Report card / UNICEF». UNICEF, New York, NY, USA.
Report / Finland. Department for International Development Cooperation. Helsinki, Finland: Finland, Department for International Development Cooperation.
Report / Finnida. .
Report / Institute for Social Research. .
Report / Metropolitan Water Board. .
B. D. Dhaka Comm Dhaka, «Report on dug wells implemented by DCH : 2nd phase : drinking water supply through pipelines at the household level for the rural community». Dhaka Community Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p 19 p. : fig., tab.
«Report on the centralised training workshop». .
«Report on the first training programme of women's groups in slums of Bhopal city for women leadership in water &sanitation». .
Report on the mission of F.E. Kamminga to Upper Volta from June, 21 to July,8, 1982. .
Ghana Statistical Service -Accra, GH, GSS, «The report on the pattern and trends of poverty in Ghana – 1991 – 2006». Government of Ghana, Accra, Ghana.
«Report / Water and Environmental Studies, Linkoping University». .


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