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Found 23563 results
I. N. Socio Econ Trivandrum, «Seuflet : water and sanitation newsletter». Socio-Economic Unit Foundation, Thiruvananthapuram, India.
G. Water Reso WRC)-Accra, «The seventh annual report of the Water Resources Commission (WRC) : executive summary». Water Resources Commission, Accra, Ghana, p 32 p.; tab.; fig.; foto's.
«SEWA paper series». Self Employed Women's Association, SEWA, Ahmedabad, India.
K. Nimpuno, «Sewage disposal in developing countries : a survey of methods». Bouwcentrum International Education (BIE), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, p 49 p. : fig., tab.
F. A. W. E. Forum for Educationalists, «Sexual maturation in relation to education of girls in Uganda». Forum for African Women Educationalists, FAWE, Kampala, Uganda, p iv, 27 p.; 9 refs.; 2 tab.
S. H. A. R. E. Sanitation Equity, «SHARE Policy Briefing». Sanitation and Hygiene Applied Research for Equity, SHARE, London, UK.
I. Guest, «Shishir of Bangladesh». UNICEF, Geneva, Switzerland, p Slide series (30 slides + text, 8p.).
SIDA evaluation. .
Sida studies in evaluation. .
«Signalementen : overzicht overheidsinformatie». SDU, The Hague, The Netherlands.
N. L. Simavi - Haarlem, «Simavi nieuwsbrief». Simavi, Haarlem, The Netherlands.
G. B. National I. Silsoe, «Simple water pump». National Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Silsoe, UK, p 8 p. : techn.drwng.
«Simposio regional sobre abastecimiento de agua y saneamiento : un elemento de la atencion primaria de salud». .
«Simposium "Technologias apropiadas en el abastecimiento de agua a pequenos nucleos habitados", 25 y 26 Febrero 1997 : programacion». .
«Singapore medical journal». .
«Sistema alternativo de aguas potables : no trastee mas agua perfore su propio pozo». .
N. Canelli, «Sistemas condominiales de agua y alcantarillado : proyecto piloto el alto – Bolivia». World Bank, Lima, Peru, p 94 p.
«Sistemas de agua potable : manual para uso del promotor comunitario». .
«Site sanitation planning and reporting aid». .
IRC, Vive, E., AID, W., Cooperation, G. T. Z. - German A., e Helvetas, «Situation de référence – village de Samou-Folga», WASHCost Burkina Faso-Sanifaso fiche d’information. .
IRC, AID, W., Helvetas, e Cooperation, G. T. Z. - German A., «Situation de référence – village de Sorghon», WASHCost Burkina Faso-Sanifaso fiche d’information. .
«Situation des maladies d'origine hydrique dans l'arrondissement de dogon -doutchi». .
«The situation of agriculture in Mediterranean countries : water resources : development and management in Mediterranean countries». .
SIWI paper. .
SIWI report. Stockholm, Sweden: Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI).


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