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Found 23583 results
C. H. Sphere Pro Geneva, «Sphere newsletter». Sphere Project, Geneva, Switzerland.
CTA -Wageningen, NL, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU, «Spore». Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Wageningen, The Netherlands.
«Spring (1986) ; p. 61-70», Special libraries. .
«spring copy», Journal of the American Planning Association. .
«SSHE life skills-based hygiene education workshop 12-15 septembar 2000 New York». .
«Stage de recherche IRC : theme: aspects du genre amenagement des systemes de l'approvsionnement en eau potable dans les zones urbaines du Benin : cas des villes de Cotonou, Porto-Novo et Parakou». .
J. C. Royer, «Standard detail drawings - waterworks : a job - aid». Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Bridgetown, Barbados, p 29 p.: techn.drwngs.
Standard number. .
«Standardized survey bulletin». .
Standardized survey bulletin : findings / WB. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank.
«Starting with Behavior : a participatory process for selecting target Behaviors in environmental programs». .
«State Fact Sheets». S.n., S.l.
State of India's environment ; a citizens' report. .
R. B. Rao, H. Rao, U., V. Sastry, V., M. Rao, R. Mohan, Venkataswamy, M., e Rao, M. S. Rama Mohan, «Status of rural water supply and sanitation in Andhra Pradesh, India», WASHCost India and CESS, Hyderabad.
Statutes supplement. Entebbe, Uganda: Government of Uganda.
Stockholm International Water Institute -Stockholm, SE, SIWI, «Stockholm waterfront». Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), Stockholm, Sweden.
«Strategic report / EHP». .
B. Brandberg, «Strategic sanitation and hygiene promotion for schools : sanitation technology options. Part 1. Catalogue ». SBI Consulting International, Mbabane, Swaziland, p 13 p. : techn.drwngs.
B. Brandberg, «Strategic sanitation and hygiene promotion for schools : sanitation technology options. Part 2. Construction drawings». SBI Consulting International, Mbabane, Swaziland, p 25 p. : techn. drwngs.
«Strategies for extending and improving potable water supply and excreta disposal services during the decade of the 1980s». .
«Strategy and action plan : mainstreaming gender water and sanitation». .
G. M. Feliciano e Flavier, J. M., «Strategy of change in the barrio : a case of rural waste disposal». pp P.279-288.
«Strengthening resource centres under the DGIS funded resource centre development (RCD) programme». .
A. U. CARE-Braddon, «Strong women, strong communities : CARE’s holistic approach to empowering women and girls in the fight against poverty». p v, 41 p.; ill.
«Structure and infrastructure engineering». .


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