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Found 23550 results
D. Kapur e Kumar, P., «Formative research on sanitation and hygiene behaviours: current status, knowledge, attitudes, barriers and enablers: primary research findings», presented at the 02/2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2012, p 13 p. 6 charts; 2 tab.; fig.; boxes.
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, «Fournir un service d'eau et d'assainissement de base durable : coûts de référence», WASHCost Burkina Faso fiche d’information, vol 1. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p 4 p.; 4 tab., 2012.
R. Tesselaar, Engelbertink, J., de Kemp, A., e Jorritsma, H., From infrastructure to sustainable impact : policy review of the Dutch contribution to drinking water and sanitation (1990-2011), vol 366. The Hague, The Netherlands: Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Policy and Operations Review Department (IOB), 2012, p 132 p.; 9 fig.; 12 tab.
M. A. Daniel e Sojamo, S., «From risks to shared value? Corporate strategies in building a global water accounting and disclosure regime», Water alternatives : an interdisciplinary journal on water, politics and development, pp p. 636 - 657; 7 tab.; 4 fig., 2012.
W. Basson, «From science to society : finding innovative solutions towards deep rural water supply», The waterwheel, pp p. 32 - 35; 5 photographs, 2012.
WASHCost, «Funding recurrent costs for improved rural water services», WASHCost global infosheets, vol 3. IRC, The Hague, p 5 p.; 2 tab.; boxes, 2012.
K. Shordt, Smet, E., e IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, «Getting it right : improving maternal health through water, sanitation and hygiene». Simavi, Haarlem, The Netherlands, p 31 p.; 3 fig.; photographs, 2012.
The Ghana water sector: the improvements made and the trade-off between coverage and sustainability. 2012.
K. Onda, Lobuglio, J., e Bartram, J., «Global access to safe water : accounting for water quality and the resulting impact on MDG progress», International journal of environmental research and public health [Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health], pp p.880 - 894; 7 tab.; 2 fig., 2012.
G. Hutton, «Global costs and benefits of drinking-water supply and sanitation interventions to reach the MDG target and universal coverage». World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p 67 p.; 17 tab.; 20 fig., 2012.
Water and Sanitation Program -Washington, DC, US, WSP, «Global overview : economic impact of water supply and sanitation : sanitation and water for all». Water and Sanitation Program, WSP, Washington, DC, USA, p 4 p.; 4 fig., 2012.
M. Kjellen, Pensulo, C., Nordqvist, P., e Fogde, M., «Global review of sanitation system trends and interactions with menstrual management practices : report for the menstrual management and sanitation..». EcoSanRes, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Stockholm, Sweden, p iv, 36 p.; 18 fig.; 7 tab., 2012.
W. S. S. C. C. Water Supp Council, «Global sanitation fund : progress report». Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, WSSCC, Geneva, Switzerland, p 36 p.; ill.; tab.; fig.; maps; boxes, 2012.
O. Hernandez, Devine, J., Karver, J., Chase, C., e Coombes, Y., «Global scaling up handwashing project : measuring the behavioral determinants of handwashing with soap». Water and Sanitation Program, WSP, Washington, DC, USA, p viii, 38 p.; 14 tab.; 1 fig.; 1 box, 2012.
B. Keene, Saboori, S., Trinies, V., Alexander, K., Hagan, M., e Cheney-Coker, M., «Governance of water, sanitation and hygiene in schools». SWASH+ Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya, p 7 p.; 1 fig.; 1tab.; 1 box; 3 photographs, 2012.
M. A. Iribarnegaray e Seghezzo, L., «Governance, sustainability and decision making in water and sanitation management systems», Sustainability, pp p. 2922 - 2945; 3 fig.; 2 tab., 2012.
F. R. U. N. E. S. C. O. - Paris, «Groundwater and Global Change: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges», vol 01. UNESCO, Paris, France, p p.44, fig. 7, box 13, 2012.
A. Mukherji, Facon, T., de Fraiture, C., Molden, D., e Chartres, C., «Growing more food with less water : how can revitalizing Asia's irrigation help?», Water policy : official journal of the World Water Council, pp p. 430 - 446; 3 tab.; 2 fig., 2012.
B. Donkor-Badu, Appiah-Effah, E., Nyarko, K. B., Dwumfour-Asare, B., Moriarty, P. B., McIntyre, P., Obuobisa-Darko, A., V. Otum, N., Dickinson, N., e Adjei, K. A., «Grushie Zongo community report : cost of water and sanitation in Grushie Zongo in East Gonja District, Ghana», WASHCost team, Accra and Kumasi, Ghana, Accra, Ghana, 2012.
S. J. Smits, Uytewaal, E., e Sturzenegger, G., «Guía metodológica para el monitoreo de servicios de agua y saneamiento en zonas rurales». IRC, BID, La Haya, los Países Bajos / Washington, DC, los Estados Unidos, p 115, 2012.
IRC, «Guide for formation & strengthening of school health clubs». IRC, Netwas Uganda and Caritas, The Hague, The Netherlands, p 7 p., 2012.
«Guidelines and announcements», South Asia Sanitation and Hygiene practitioners' workshop papers. 2012.
M. Adank, van Koppen, B., e Smits, S., Guidelines for planning and providing multiple-use water services. The Hague, The Netherlands: IRC, 2012, p 123 p.; 16 tab.; 7 fig.; 3 boxes.
W. A. S. R. A. G. Water and Group, «Guidelines for planning sustainable sanitation projects and selecting appropriate technologies». Water and Sanitation Rotarian Action Group, WASRAG, S.l., p 39 p.; ill.; tab.; fig., 2012.
N. Stoner, Postel, E., e Kadeli, L., «Guidelines for water reuse 2012». US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Washington, DC, USA, p xxxiv, 572 p.: fig., photogr., tab., 2012.


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