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G. Hutton e Bartram, J., «Global costs of attaining the Millennium Development Goal for water supply and sanitation», Bulletin of the World Health Organization, pp p. 13-19 : 2 fig., 1 tab., 2008.
R. Suleiman, van Well, L., e Gustafsson, J. - E., «Governance of the Amman water utility», Development in practice, pp p. 53 - 65 : 2 fig., 2008.
I. Khurana e Mahapatra, R., «Half full, half empty : drought and drinking water crisis in Bundelkhand», vol no. 1. WaterAid, New Delhi, India, p 33 p. : fig., tab., 2008.
R. Ahmed, Ahmed, N., e Gouda, N. L. W. A. S. T. E. -, «Healthcare waste management in Karachi, Pakistan : case study report». WASTE, Gouda, The Netherlands, p 45 p.: 7 tab., 2008.
D. Whittington, Davis, J., Prokopy, L., Komives, K., Thorsten, R., Lukacs, H., Bakalian, A., e Wakeman, W., How well is the demand-driven, community management model for rural water supply systems doing? : evidence from Bolivia, Peru, and Ghana, vol no. 22. Manchester, UK: Brooks World Poverty Institute, University of Manchester, 2008, p 25 p. : 5 tab.
F. Saliez, Improving urban planning through localizing Agenda 21 : results achieved in Bayamo, Cuba, vol no. 6. Nairobi, Kenya: UN-Habitat, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, 2008, p iii, 12 p. : fig., photogr.
P. H. Asian Deve Manila, «In the pipeline : water for the poor : investing in small piped water networks». Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, p vi, 98 p. : boxes, fig., tab., 2008.
WASHCost team, Hyderabad, IN, «Institutional mapping and analysis of WASH services and costs», WASHCost India-CESS working papers, vol 4. WASHCost team, Hyderabad, IN, Hyderabad, India, p 55 p. : 3 boxes,1 fig., 16 tab., 2008.
International Division for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Health during Emergencies and Disasters -New York, NY, USA, DIEDE e AIDIS -New York, NY, US, Integrated risk management to protect drinking water and sanitation services facing natural disasters, vol no. 21. Delft, The Netherlands: IRC, 2008, p 54 p. : fig., tab.
D. Van Minh, «Investigating the double jeopardy issue in the water sector : the limited (applicability) of partial metric benchmarking», vol no. 4/2008. UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands, p vii, 59 p. : 14 fig., 10 tab., 2008.
M. van Ginneken e Kingdom, B., «Key topics in public water utility reform», vol no. 17. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p viii, 53 p. : 28 boxes, 5 fig., 1 tab., 2008.
G. B. WaterAid - London, «Local Millennium Development Goals initiative : local government and water and sanitation delivery». WaterAid, London, UK, p 20 p. : fig., 2008.
WSSCC -Geneva, CH, Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, «Madagascar», vol no. 1. Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, WSSCC, Geneva, Switzerland, p 4 p., 2008.
J. Ludwig-Maaroof, Hendrawan, A., e Kruse, A., «Making decentralization work for development : methodology of the local government performance measurement (LGPM) framework», vol no. 47009. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p vi, 33 p. : 4 fig., 1 tab., 2008.
L. Emerton, «Making the economic case : a primer on the economic arguments for mainstreaming poverty-environment linkages into national development planning». UNEP, United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya, p 47 p. : fig., tab., 2008.
K. Welle, «Mapping as a basis for sanitation implementation in Pakistan : the case of the Orangi Pilot Project», in South Asia Sanitation and Hygiene practitioners' workshop papers, 2008, pp P. 95 - 110 : 1 box, 2 fig., 1 tab.
A. Earle, Lungu, G., e Malzbender, D., «Mapping of integrity and accountability in water activities and relevant capacities in the SADC-Region», vol no. 12. Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), Stockholm, Sweden, p 42 p. : boxes, tab., 2008.
U. Heierli, «Marketing safe water systems why it is so hard to get safe water to the poor – and so profitable to sell it to the rich ». Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Bern, Switzerland, p 114 p. : fig., tab., 2008.
O. Mokenye e Bullinger, H., «Millennium water program in Kenya : final technical report (March 1, 2005 – September 30, 2008)». Millennium Water Alliance, MWA, Houston, TX, USA, p 32 p. : photogr., tab., 2008.
L. D. Pretus, Jones, O., Sharma, L., e Shrestha, R. K. C., Money down the pan? : community level models for financing sanitation in rural Nepal : a sector review. Manila, Philippines: Asian Development Bank, 2008, p vii, 46 p. : 18 fig., 9 tab.
L. D. Pretus e Jones, O., «"Money down the pan?" : community level models for financing sanitation in rural Nepal», in South Asia Sanitation and Hygiene practitioners' workshop papers, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2008, pp p.231 - 246; 5 fig.; 1 tab; 2 boxes.
M. Mikhail e Yoder, R., Multiple use water service implementation in Nepal and India : experience and lessons for scale-up. Lakewood, CO, USA: International Development Enterprises, 2008, p viii, 318 p. : fig., photogr., tab.
WSSCC -Geneva, CH, Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, «Nepal», vol no. 2. Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, WSSCC, Geneva, Switzerland, p 4 p., 2008.
Mof Foreign Netherlands, The Netherlands' Africa policy 1998 - 2006 : evaluation of bilateral cooperation, vol no. 308. The Hague, The Netherlands: Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2008, p 129 p. : map.
O. Castillo, McGregor, J. L., Zevallos, M., e Quispe, A., «The new operators in Peruvian small towns : designing a sustainable management model for water and sanitation services». Water and Sanitation Program - Latin American and Carribean Region, Lima, Peru, p 45 p., 2008.


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