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Published on: 04/03/2013

An occasional paper on the value of environmental sanitation contains eight case studies on environmental sanitation in Malawi, Tanzania, Ghana, Bangladesh, Philippines, Mexico and Peru. Another paper (2001) addresses awareness raising and mobilisation for eco-sanitation. A video with case studies in seven countries (China, India, Peru, Uganda, South Africa and Sweden) was produced by WASTE: The Human Excreta Index  (2004).

Other recent work relates to eco-sanitation in Nepal with ENPHO, including a comparison of cost of ecological and other forms of sanitation across the life-cycle, eco-san projects in Ethiopia, Senegal and in poor urban areas in Nairobi, Kenya and Kigali, Rwanda and the experiences with the lowest-cost types of eco-toilets, the arborloo and fossa alterna in Uganda. For more advanced models, the poor local availability of eco-pans is a problem.

Background information and materials referred to in the article:
  • Another paper (2001) addresses awareness raising and mobilisation for eco-sanitation
  • A video with case studies in seven countries was produced by WASTE: The Human Excreta Index (link below).
  • Other recent work relates to eco-sanitation in Nepal with ENPHO
  • Eco-san projects in Ethiopia, Senegal and in poor urban areas in Nairobi, Kenya, and Kigali, Rwanda
  • experiences with the lowest-cost types of eco-toilets, the arborloo and fossa alterna in Uganda.
  • For more advanced models, the poor local availability of eco-pans is a problem
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