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Published on: 22/03/2012

World Water Day celebration in Kabarole District was an upbeat affair, with presentation of poems, songs and dramas by primary school children. The performances addressed different themes around water and sanitation. To add to the fanfare, there were exhibitions depicting innovations and technologies.  The Hand Pump Mechanics Association (HPMA) showed off their repair kits; Mountains of the Moon University  showed of a water purification system while HEWASA displayed a rope pump, while the  Development Technology Workshop exhibited rain water harvesting technology. Other organisations like IRC/Triple-S, Protos and Tooro botanical gardens went cinematic and presented documentaries on different themes.  The hand pump mechanics had their own minutes of fame when they presented a five-minute drama on M4W.

IRC/Triple-S basked in the limelight when the District chairperson  LCV Mr. Richard Rwabuhinga used our documentation of Omuhiigo (The New Vision 22 March 2012, Page 29) as a reference during the launch of the strategy. He hailed IRC/Triple-S intervention in the district and expressed optimism that sustainability of water sources would become a reality in the near future. Mr Rwabihunga had earlier featured on a radio talk show sponsored by Triple-S, where he mobilized all listeners to pay user fees and support the efforts of the extension staff. In the build up to the World Water Day, Triple-S has over the last two weeks been airing radio programmes in Rwenzori and Lango regions, educating the public about their roles and responsibilities in the management of water sources.

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