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Published on: 27/11/2012

Want to know how your organisation scores in sustainability performance? A new tool created by consortium is now available for assessing an organisations' performance in four sustainability categories:policy, knowledge, coordination, and monitoring and learning. The tool is designed to highlight where your policies and practices are strong and where you can make improvements to support sustainable WASH service delivery. And, based on your results, it provides a customised list of resources to help you improve your performance.

The tool supports WASH organisations of all sizes and at various levels—local, regional, country, or headquarters. Only your organisation has access to your self-assessment results. In the interest of transparency and shared learning, also gives you the option to share your results as well as updates on where you've made improvements.

The tool links with the WASH Sustainability charter —a common set of principles promoting WASH sustainability, endorsed by nearly 100 organisations. WASH Advocates, Global Water Challenge, and IRC/Aguaconsult, took the lead in creating the platform and the tool, drawing on lessons from Triple-S and others. Plan International and World Water Relief are just some of the organisations who have already completed the sustainability self-assessment.

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