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Following an introduction to low and non-waste technology, the options for waste reduction and waste treatment are briefly reviewed.

TitleLow waste technologies in selected industries
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsVigneswaran, S, Srianandakumar, K, Muttamara, S
Secondary TitleEnvironmental sanitation reviews
Volumeno. 27
Paginationii, 86 p.: fig., tab.
Date Published1989-01-01
PublisherEnvironmental Sanitation Information Center, ENSIC
Place PublishedBangkok, Thailand
Keywordsfood industry, industrial wastes, industrial wastewater, literature reviews, pulp and paper industry, solid waste recycling, textile industry, wastewater recycling, wastewater treatment

Following an introduction to low and non-waste technology, the options for waste reduction and waste treatment are briefly reviewed. The major part of the report then discusses applications in the following industries: pulp and paper; tapioca starch; palm oil; food (pineapple, yeast, cheese, poultry processing, meat packing, and potato peeling); textiles; electroplating; and distilleries.

NotesBibliography: p. 84-86
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