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The climate of Southern Mali consists of primarily two seasons: a dry season, dominated by the dry Saharan wind (Harmattan), and a rainy season where the humid winds come from the Guinean Gulf. The average rainfall is approximately 200 mm.

TitleProfil d'environnement Mali-Sud : etat des resources naturelles et potentialites de developpement
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsBerthe, AL, Blokland, A, Bouare, S, Diallo, B, Diarra, MM, Mariko, F, N'Djim, H, Sanogo, B, Geerling, C
Pagination79 p. + 1 map: 3 fig., 13 maps, 19 tab., photogr.
Date Published1991-01-01
PublisherRoyal Tropical Institute
Place PublishedAmsterdam, The Netherlands
ISBN Number9068320459
Keywordsagriculture, animal production, drinking water, economic development, environmental impact, forestry, groundwater, health, mali, mali mali-sud, nutrition, organizations, projects, social aspects, surface waters, water management

The climate of Southern Mali consists of primarily two seasons: a dry season, dominated by the dry Saharan wind (Harmattan), and a rainy season where the humid winds come from the Guinean Gulf. The average rainfall is approximately 200 mm. The population is approximately 2,500,000, which is primarily rural/agricultural. The area consists of two large watersheds, one of which drains into the Niger, the other into the Bani. There are two principal aquifers which are recharged by rainfall and infiltration from the rivers. Water supplies depend primarily on groundwater from traditional wells, boreholes and retention structures. Lack of water and increased desertification are the main problems threatening the environment of Southern Mali. Water from surface sources is often polluted by human and animal waste. Recommendations for the future include a chlorination programme for water supplies; increased sanitation; protection of wells and water sources, education concerning public health and water management/treatment; composting; and monitoring the nutritional status of the population.

Notes89 ref.
Custom 1824
Translated TitleEnvironmental profile of Southern-Mali : state of natural resources and development potentials

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