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TitleGender impact study for the Domestic Water Supply Programme Morogoro Region
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsMbughuni, P
Paginationiii, 33 p.: 3 fig., 1 map, 8 tab.
Date Published1993-01-01
PublisherNetherlands Embassy, Tanzania
Place PublishedDar es Salaam, Tanzania
Keywordsbenefits, decision making, gender, planning, programmes, questionnaires, recommendations, rural areas, sanitation, social aspects, sustainable development, tanzania, tanzania morogoro, water supply, women

This study looks at the social and institutional sustainability of the Domestic Water Supply Programme in Morogoro Region, Tanzania. The study uses a gender perspective as its point of departure. It is stated that women as water managers are central to the sustainability of the Programme. The author indicates that if women do not perceive benefits of new water point supplies, if they have not "improved" their own situation or that of their family, the added cost (and potential social conflict) may not be worth the effort. In general, it was concluded that the DWS Programme has the potential to address both the practical needs and strategic interests of women: to provide a service, build capacity and empower women. The warning is given that there is a need to enhance and maximize this potential, particularly in the area of strategic interests, as well as to minimize potential dangers or risks which would negatively affect women. It is suggested adjustments need to be made regarding objectives, as well as further amplification, detailing and/or fine-tuning of strategies, activities and monitoring indicators. Other adjustments mentioned are the strengthening of the participatory or consultative approach, strengthening of gender advocacy and skills, and a longer duration for community level activities.

Notes10 ref.
Custom 1202.1, 824


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