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Published on: 04/11/2015

TrackFin workshop logos WHO, IRC & GLAAS

The TrackFin initiative aims to put into practice a globally accepted methodology to track national financing for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and strengthen national systems for the collection and analysis of WASH financial information.

TrackFin is a UN-Water GLAAS initiative implemented by the World Health Organization (WHO). It is developed jointly with leading national and international organisations in charge of financial tracking.

So far the TrackFin methodology has been piloted in Brazil, Morocco and Ghana.

WHO and IRC Ghana are organising a TrackFin Inter-Regional workshop for representatives from Ghana, newly engaged and other interested countries, the TrackFin Technical Advisory Group (TAG) and interested partners.

Workshop objectives:

  1. To provide an overview of upcoming GLAAS cycle 2016;
  2. To present the outcomes of the implementation of TrackFin conducted in Morocco, Brazil and Ghana, share the lessons learned and opportunities for improvements;
  3. To plan, support and develop TrackFin country plans for newly engaged countries and others interested in being engaged in 2016/2017;
  4. To launch the TrackFin Global Coordination Platform.

For more information read the workshop concept note (also available in French).

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