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Published on: 20/06/2023

Image: Rwanda Rulindo Burega

The courses aim to build strong national and local WASH systems for Rwanda and are an initiative of Isoko y’Ubuzima project

  • WASH systems strengthening for Rwanda 
  • District planning for sustainable WASH services in Rwanda 
  • Costing for district WASH planning in Rwanda 

All three courses are tailor-made for Rwanda and developed by IRC in collaboration with Water For People. They are dynamic online courses where everyone can learn what it takes to deliver resilient water, sanitation, and hygiene services and be part of the change needed to leave no one behind. They are freely available for anyone to join at any time:

Be inspired and join the 5000+ people who want to make a difference and improve health, education, and livelihoods by strengthening water, sanitation, and hygiene systems.  

The courses are offered as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) on the WASH Systems Academy.  These online courses are available as self-paced, guided and on-demand can be connected with a series of webinars or as part of a face-to-face workshop.  

Follow three easy steps to register and enrol for a course of your choice. 

About the courses   


Water, Sanitation and Hygiene system strengthening for Rwanda

This short, intensive 8-hour course has been set up for water and sanitation professionals in Rwanda. Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) systems strengthening can help lead to benefits such as: more sustainable WASH services, improvements in long-term operations and maintenance of small water systems, and improved governance and accountability.   

Through this course, one learns more about WASH systems, practitioners’ roles in these systems, and the tried and tested tools available to support WASH systems strengthening.

Explore this course

Here's what some of our users have to say about the course:


'' I enjoyed this course very much and I would really recommend it to my peers. Before starting this course, I didn't know what the WASH sector meant and what it does, but now not only do I know it, but I can also explain it to my colleagues.” 

-Sonia Ineza Dede, Environmental engineer from Rwanda

“ WASH Systems Strengthening training was useful and well received for it introduced me to WASH systems thinking, assessment, and monitoring skills for sustainability. The experience was good, the facilitators helped, and the venue was fine, not to mention the methods where we could work together and discuss from different perspectives. It was all well planned".   

- Lisa Mutavu, member of the Youth Network in Rwanda who followed a training in May 2023

“The training course provided a platform for networking and collaboration. It facilitated the exchange of ideas, experiences, and best practices, enhancing the overall learning experience. The facilitators of the training course were knowledgeable and experienced in the field of WASH systems strengthening”. 

- Justine Imanishimwe Kirezi, member of the Youth Network in Rwanda who followed a training in May 2023


District planning welcome page  

District planning for sustainable water and sanitation services

This 12-hour online specialist course available on the WASH Systems Academy provides one with a better understanding of how to develop a comprehensive plan for achieving universal water and sanitation services that last at district level. After completing this course, you will be able to facilitate or support the development and implementation of a DistrictWASH Master Plan.

Explore this course


Costing for district WASH planning in Rwanda

Costing for district WASH planning in Rwanda

This 4.5-hour course has specifically been developed for Rwanda but can be used in different contexts. The course explains the Life-Cycle Costing of WASH services for District WASH Master Planning in Rwanda and is designed to give you a better understanding of how to cost a comprehensive plan for achieving universal WASH services that last at the district level in Rwanda. IRC and Water For People have developed a set of Excel tools to support sustainable financial planning and management of WASH services. This course is for anyone wanting to know how to use these tools to identify the costs and required finance of WASH services in a specific area, often a district.

For more information, take a look at the following materials:

  1. Learn how district WASH master plans contribute to WASH systems strengthening​  
  2. Watch our animation on the Planning Cycle   
  3. Find out more about IRC's District WASH Master Planning Facility
  4. Read Rwanda's National sanitation implementing policy


Stay tuned for more!

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These courses are made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this study/report/website/video/course are the sole responsibility of Isoko y'Ubuzima/IRC and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. 

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