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Practical tools to support sanitary inspections and associated management activities, including those by health authorities, surveillance agencies and water suppliers.

TitleSanitary inspection packages: a supporting tool for the Guidelines for drinking-water quality : small water supplies
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2024
Paginationiv, 216 p.
Date Published02/2024
PublisherWorld Health Organization
Place PublishedGeneva, Switzerland
Publication LanguageEnglish
ISBN Number978-92-4-008900-6 (electronic version)

A sanitary inspection is a simple, on-site evaluation (traditionally using a checklist) to help identify and support the management of priority risk factors that may lead to contamination of a drinking-water supply. Sanitary inspections are a well-established and widely-applied practice. They can support water safety planning, and in some contexts, may be a simplified alternative to water safety plans.

This publication provides sanitary inspection resources that can be used to support risk management and surveillance activities for 13 different types of small water supplies, listed below. These practical tools support sanitary inspections and associated management activities, including those carried out by health authorities, surveillance agencies and water suppliers.

Sanitary inspection packages - small water supplies list

Sanitary inspection packages - small water supplies list. Credit: WHO, 2024.


Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO

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