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Found 23564 results
B. Nyirenda e Gregoire, K., «Les défis du renforcement des systèmes d'eau ruraux dans les grands programmes multisectoriels et les contextes marginalisés sujets aux chocs : Expériences du sud du Malawi». Government of Ghana, IRC and UNICEF, Accra, Ghana, p 12 sldes, 2022.
I. Gai, «Les personnes du système». p 9, 2022.
«Leveraging partnerships for a professionalized public utility in Ghana : a review of Mole XXXIII WASH conference side event on rural water 'utilitization' in Ghana», vol 96. RCN Ghana, Accra Ghana, p 2 p., 2022.
J. Atengdem, Asante, B., e Chemaly, N., «Leveraging partnerships to achieve universal water, sanitation, and hygiene services for all». Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, p 26, 2022.
B. Hailegiorgis, Ebrahim, M., e Lemecha, G., «Leveraging resources for WASH : lessons from WASH SDG programme in Shashamane and Negelle Arsi woredas in Ethiopia». IRC Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p 25 p. : 7 ill., 2022.
«Life cycle costing tool». IRC, Water For People and PRO-WASH, The Hague, the Netherlands, p Excel file, 2022.
«L'importance du secteur privé dans le système WASH : Leçons tirées de la promotion d'un assainissement basé sur le marché en Ethiopie». p 11, 2022.
D. Dey e Baetings, E., «Local level WASH service monitoring in Bangladesh». IRC, WASH Alliance International, Simavi and WaterAid Bangladesh, The Hague, the Netherlands, p 20 p. : 8 fig., 3 tab., 2022.
K. Pugel, Javernick-Will, A., Nyaga, C., Mussa, M. E., ,, Henry, L., e Linden, K., «Mapping (mis)alignment within a collaborative network using homophily metrics», vol 1, n 9, pp 1-22 : 7 fig., 2 tab., 2022.
T. Agarwala, Shiva, R., Saha, S., Acharya, N., Kapoor, T., Nayak, B., e Das, N., «Mapping policies and tracking budgets for hand hygiene : a study of select departments in Odisha». IRC, Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA), Centre for Youth and Social Development (CYSD) and UNICEF India, New Delhi, p 36 p. : 4 boxes, 4 fig., 4 tab., photogr., 2022.
T. Agarwala, Shiva, R., Saha, S., Acharya, N., e Kapoor, T., «Mapping policies and tracking budgets for hand hygiene : a study of select ministries of the Government of India». IRC, Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA) and UNICEF India, New Delhi, India, p 52 p. : 6 boxes, 12 fig.; 3 tab., 2022.
S. Saha, Shiva, R., Baetings, E., e Krukkert, I. J., «Measuring hand hygiene for all : a framework for monitoring and reporting hand hygiene in India». IRC and UNICEF India, New Delhi, India, p 35 p. : 5 boxes, 2 fig., 12 tab. , 2022.
S. Drabble, «Measuring sanitation systems». IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p 06m 47s, 2022.
A. A. Rafidimanantsoa, «Measuring systems change associated with WASH systems strengthening in Madagascar». Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, Ghana, p 13 slides, 2022.
R. Amédé Abdérémane, «Mesure du changement des systèmes associés au renforcement des systèmes WASH à Madagascar». Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, p 13, 2022.
«Modèles évolutifs pour la mise en place de services WASH sûrs dans les etablissements de soins de santé». p 60, 2022.
D. Allély, Bocoum, D., e Aguessy, M., «Monitoring the progress of national targets towards SDG 6: the data challenge: getting the data and using it». Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, p 29, 2022.
F. Gore, «Motivations behind water, sanitation and hygiene system strengthening». IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p 04m 13s, 2022.
L. Mekonta, Wondimu, W., Suominen, A., e Tora, M., «National endeavours and setbacks on enhancing rural water supply operation and maintenance through key actors’ engagement in Ethiopia». IRC Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p ii, 5 p., 2022.
C. O. Reghizzi, Fonseca, C., Mansour, G., e Smits, S., «National Public Development Banks (PDBs) : key actors financing water and sanitation», vol 12. Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Paris, France, p 2 p. : 1 fig., 2022.
A. C. Akwaah e GH, Gof Ghana -, «National WASH revolving fund: an innovative approach to leverage private and public financing for WASH». p 16, 2022.
M. Bawumia, Nansi, J., e Dapaah, C. A., «Opening plenary All systems go Africa symposium 19-21 October 2022». Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, Ghana, p 35, 2022.
H. Nuwamanya, «Parapluies d'eau et d'assainissement: la gestion des réseaux d'eau par les autorités de tutelle». Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, p 13, 2022.
K. Pugel, Javernick-Will, A., Mussa, M., Mekonta, L., Dimtse, D., Watsisi, M., Huston, A., Linden, K., e IRC, «Pathways for securing government commitment for activities of collaborative approaches», n washdev2022183, pp 1-13 : 2 fig., 4 tab., 2022.
E. Duran, «Pensamiento sistémico». IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p 07m 17s, 2022.


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